Join me for a coffee-fueled chat about one-hit wonders, quirky writing journeys, and why being the Van Gogh of Medium is cooler than you think!

Van Gogh Only Sold One Painting — Am I the Van Gogh of Medium? Let’s Discuss Over Coffee.

Navigating the Likes Rollercoaster: My Van Gogh Moment will come.

Maurice Glaude
3 min readJan 9, 2024


Photo by Redd F on Unsplash

Hey there, fabulous readers! Maurice here, your friendly 43-year-old dude who’s been casually slinging words on Medium, Vocal Media, and Quora. Grab a donut too because we’re about to dunk into a topic that hits close to home — Van Gogh and his epic journey of selling just one painting. Yep, you heard it right, one masterpiece to rule them all!

Van Gogh’s Wild Ride

Photo by tabitha turner on Unsplash

Picture this: Van Gogh, the OG artist extraordinaire, rocking the 19th-century art scene. Did he have tons of sales? Nope, just one! Now, if I’m the Van Gogh of Medium, does that mean I’m destined for a solo hit too? Well, let’s stir the creative coffee pot and find out.



Maurice Glaude

Embracing Life's Limits, Expanding Inner Horizons Connecting deeply, growing authentically, and uncovering happiness within.