Discover Your Path to Success in the World of Tech Writing

Unlocking Tech Writing Mastery: A Guided Journey Through Wisdom and Self-Discovery

Navigate the Tech Writing Terrain with Confidence, Learn, and Embrace Your Unique Voice

Maurice Glaude
7 min readJan 7, 2024


Photo by Cristofer Maximilian on Unsplash

Hey there, I’m Maurice Glaude, a wordsmith since ’09, weaving tales on platforms like Squidoo and Hubpages. Words have been my playground since forever, dabbling in poetry and scribbling down thoughts in my journals.

My humble beginnings playing Super Mario Bros. Brothers ORIGINAL (Nintendo NES 1985) taught me how to blow on it. Photo by Brandon Romanchuk on Unsplash

My journey with tech started way back, from the nostalgic days of my old Atari to conquering levels on Nintendo. Back then, being a dust-blower expert was a prerequisite to keep the games going.

I was that kid everyone called when their VCR was acting up or the household gadgets decided to take a mysterious hiatus. The go-to person to unravel the mysteries of blinking screens and malfunctioning appliances.

Now, does that qualify me to don the hat of a tech writer? Hell No!

Turns out all that blowing out the dust so called preventing our game from continuing to…



Maurice Glaude

Embracing Life's Limits, Expanding Inner Horizons Connecting deeply, growing authentically, and uncovering happiness within.