This happened to me: I have FOMO, and it’s out of control.

Airdrop Adventures: Buying a Ticket to the Crypto Circus

Maurice Glaude
5 min readMay 6, 2024

By Maurice Glaude | May, 2024 | Medium

A circus tent with colorful lights and performers.
Circus Tent: Image by Maurice Copilot

Discover the cautionary tale of the Crypto Circus Airdrop — where promises vanish like circus magic. Explore the irony, learn the risks, and warn fellow crypto enthusiasts. A must-read for anyone chasing rainbows in the crypto world.

🎪 The Crypto Circus: Hope Coins that Never Drop

Ladies and gentlemen, step right up! Welcome to the grandest show in crypto town — the Airdrop Circus! 🎪

Picture this: a chaotic tent filled with flashing neon lights, swirling confetti, and a cacophony of buzzwords. The ringmaster, clad in a shimmering Bitcoin-patterned suit, stands at center stage, promising free tokens to anyone who dares to enter. But beware, my friends, for not all that glitters is gold. Some of these airdrops are more twisted than a Möbius strip.

Act I: The Illusionists of Blockchain

Behold the “Illusionists of Blockchain”! They conjure visions of wealth — airdrops that promise to turn your digital pockets into treasure chests. But wait! As the curtain rises, their magic unravels.



Maurice Glaude

Constant researcher. What am I looking for? Answer to life, Tech, and foundation building. Connections are important: